Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Role of zinc and folic acid in increasing sperm count

A contributing factor in male infertility could be as simple as low zinc and/or folic acid levels. Folate-rich foods like green leafy vegetables, beans or orange juice will help a man maintain a healthy balanced diet, but remember the body does not make enough zinc or folic acid on its own, so it must be obtained from one’s diet and/or supplements.

Without the proper levels of these trace minerals, the body does not operate at full throttle; including reproductively. In some cases sperm motility is negatively affected as well as the sperm count.

Recent studies indicate zinc supplements along with folic acid may increase sperm count and improve sperm motility in some men.

One published Dutch study claims men who are having difficulty impregnating their partner may increase their sperm count by up to 74% by taking 5mg of folic acid and 66mg of zinc sulfate a day for 26 weeks. It did caution however, that taken alone, there was no significant improvement in sperm count.

Although zinc is an essential mineral required to operate the human body properly, excessive amounts may be harmful, so always consult your physician before beginning any new regimen.

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